# Teamname Begegnungen Games Gewonnen Won Verloren Lost
1. HBT 1 14 13 1
2. arrow_drop_up CoreMedia 1 12 11 1
3. arrow_drop_up Silpion 1 13 11 2
4. arrow_drop_up ACM 12 10 2
5. arrow_drop_down projektwerk 12 10 2
P.- H. Neutral 2 13 11 2
7. arrow_drop_up PHAT #1 11 9 2
Jet2Go 11 9 2
9. P&H fooserama 12 9 3
ACM 2 12 10 2
arrow_drop_down mytaxi I 12 10 2
Ex Sparr 10 8 2
13. Kiventures 11 9 2
arrow_drop_up NXP Kicker 1 12 10 2
arrow_drop_up DESY 11 9 2
arrow_drop_down FDTD 11 9 2
17. arrow_drop_up Basler I 11 8 3
arrow_drop_down Silpion 3 10 8 2
SAP Hamburg 1 9 7 2
P.-H.Neutral 3 10 8 2
Softfair1 9 7 2
mindmatters 10 7 3
Kickertool.com 10 8 2
R+V 1 10 7 3
25. los Kickerpalooza 10 7 3
Inline Circus 10 8 2
Postfaktisch 9 6 3
SPON / TÜV Nord 11 8 3
arrow_drop_down HTR United 11 8 3
ninja warriors 10 8 2
arrow_drop_up edict Pimpitup 9 7 2
arrow_drop_down internetinnovations 9 6 3
33. OC Panthers 9 6 3
Transfermarkt 9 5 4
arrow_drop_down Tradefinity 9 7 2
NXP Kicker 2 9 7 2
arrow_drop_down Team GGS 1 8 6 2
arrow_drop_down Silpion 2 9 7 2
arrow_drop_down Kühne+Nagel GIs 9 7 2
arrow_drop_up Monday Foosball #1 8 6 2
arrow_drop_down otto group 10 7 3
GOLDBECK Nord HB 9 6 3
CoreMedia 3 8 6 2
1.KC TC OLÉ 8 5 3
arrow_drop_up Bigpoint#1 8 6 2
arrow_drop_up Silpion 4 8 6 2
Care-Energy Sports-Dome 1 9 7 2
NonFood 2 9 6 3
49. Die Baumaschinen 9 5 4
Goala Bears 8 5 3
Gegen alle 9 6 3
arrow_drop_down CPI 8 6 2
arrow_drop_down MmpServices 8 5 3
Dirty Clubstyle 8 6 2
HPT Allstars 8 5 3
PPI II 8 5 3
FantaBier+2 8 5 3
LichtBlick SchwarmEnergie 8 5 3
car2go 8 6 2
arrow_drop_down CoreMedia 2 8 6 2
Care-Energy Sports-Dome 2 9 6 3
Costa Digitial 1 9 6 3
arrow_drop_up Ipsos-Kicker 9 6 3
arrow_drop_up mindline 1 9 6 3
65. arrow_drop_down P.-H. Neutral 7 5 2
arrow_drop_up bonprix 7 3 4
The AdVengers 8 5 3
Los Pepes 8 5 3
elbKicker 7 3 4
arrow_drop_down neue leben 1 6 4 2
LSBG 7 5 2
86er 6 3 3
arrow_drop_down HBT 2 7 4 3
Praetorians 7 5 2
arrow_drop_up intersoft I 7 4 3
arrow_drop_up Silpion 6 7 4 3
CTNM 8 5 3
arrow_drop_up SixPaGG 7 4 3
arrow_drop_up WEISCHER.Media 8 5 3
ERGONauten 2 7 4 3
mgm-tp 7 5 2
arrow_drop_down Smaato Gray 7 4 3
emetriq II 7 4 3
Pearl Harburg 7 4 3
Diggital 6.2 7 4 3
DilettantenCrew 7 5 2
TT Wriedt 6 3 3
HanseMerkurKick 6 3 3
Cassini Kickers 7 3 4
Monday Foosball #3 8 5 3
Monday Foosball #2 7 3 4
HH WaterEnergy 7 4 3
HSH Nordbank 8 5 3
arrow_drop_down mytaxi II 7 4 3
# Teamname Begegnungen Games Gewonnen Won Verloren Lost
1. Gold Cat 13 11 2
2. Ilohhminauten 15 11 4
3. lieblingsteam 13 9 4
4. Bullen Kicker 13 9 4
5. arrow_drop_down Kickerbambule 1 12 8 4
Care-Energy Sports-Dome 3 11 7 4
7. Kickerkranich 13 8 5
Click'n'Roll 12 8 4
9. FRITZ!Kick 12 7 5
About You 1 10 6 4
arrow_drop_up Smaato Blue 13 8 5
arrow_drop_up PR Field 10 7 3
13. arrow_drop_down Factorial 10 6 4
WERUM one 12 8 4
ZickeZacke 11 6 5
P3 Systems 12 8 4
17. Bytro 1 11 6 5
PowerHorse 10 6 4
Procurix GmbH 11 7 4
Kickerbambule 2 10 5 5
Payback&Friends 10 6 4
Uniberg2 10 6 4
Team 21 10 5 5
Trioptics One 11 7 4
25. Wasserfall 3 10 6 4
mindline 2 10 6 4
arrow_drop_down WPS 1 10 6 4
Hamburg Kontor2 10 5 5
arrow_drop_down BSH Hamburg 11 6 5
Knallfrösche 10 6 4
Party&Geschenke 9 4 5
Team Rakete 10 6 4
33. Doesbaddels 9 5 4
Nemeon 9 5 4
initions AG 8 4 4
arrow_drop_down neue leben 2 8 3 5
intosite 8 3 5
arrow_drop_down PPI I 9 5 4
comosoft 10 5 5
Innobis AG 9 5 4
PHAT #2 8 4 4
redpinata 9 5 4
arrow_drop_down Bauer Systems 1 8 4 4
arrow_drop_down Interone 1 8 4 4
newscope 9 5 4
NicoHaakFanclub 8 4 4
Kickerbambule 3 9 4 5
PFL-H 9 4 5
49. V wie Deluxe 9 4 5
arrow_drop_down FKS-1 9 4 5
Immowelt Team 1 8 3 5
Bankrott 8 3 5
intersoft III 7 2 5
lost 8 3 5
Atos 8 3 5
arrow_drop_down HanseVision 9 5 4
CheeseSparrows 8 4 4
Over(d)kick 8 4 4
internetinnovations Funteam 7 3 4
Berenberg 2 8 3 5
Regener BF3 7 3 4
NSSLGlobal 9 4 5
arrow_drop_up RSS 8 3 5
Leasing IT Solutions 8 3 5
65. moovel 7 2 5
CoreMedia 4 7 2 5
arrow_drop_up Wasserfall 1 7 2 5
FKS-3 7 2 5
Krahnich 7 3 4
arrow_drop_down intersoft II 7 2 5
KCBH 7 3 4
SpinKickz 7 3 4
RealOrMagic 7 3 4
eSailors 7 2 5
Siteway 7 3 4
'Icker 7 3 4
Geierei2000 7 2 5
arrow_drop_down NonFood 1 7 2 5
arrow_drop_up HZG 7 2 5
Blohm+Voss 7 2 5
Von Freude Bier 7 2 5
arrow_drop_down SABIO Eins 7 2 5
arrow_drop_down Fraudbusters 7 2 5
H&M 7 3 4
neusta allstars 7 3 4
Vesseltracker 6 1 5
Bigpoint#2 7 3 4
Krahnich 2 7 3 4
Cloud Unicorns 7 3 4
WPS 2 7 2 5
redpinata Ponyhof 7 3 4
etracker 1(01) 7 2 5
arrow_drop_up SAP Hamburg 2 8 3 5
IndiTango AG 7 3 4
# Teamname Begegnungen Games Gewonnen Won Verloren Lost
1. Hamburgnet2 16 11 5
2. Basler II 12 7 5
3. subshell 12 6 6
4. Costa Digital 2 12 6 6
5. arrow_drop_down Xcontrol 1 11 5 6
Terrabit-Bulls 13 7 6
7. Diggital 6.3 14 9 5
alfa Media 13 6 7
9. Hamburgnet1 10 4 6
arrow_drop_down Silpion 5 10 5 5
Silpion 10 10 4 6
GOLDBECK Nord HH 10 4 6
13. Xcontrol 2 12 5 7
w//Kicker 13 6 7
arrow_drop_down Interone 2 12 6 6
arrow_drop_down a. hartrodt 13 7 6
17. PHAT #3 10 4 6
132A-47D7-AE94 10 3 7
arrow_drop_down ERGONauten 1 9 3 6
Ägyptisch 9 3 6
ANMATHO-Kickers 10 4 6
Team Cool 10 3 7
LichtBlick Gas 11 5 6
blueforte 9 3 6
25. alsterarbeit 9 3 6
atlantis media 9 3 6
MagicOrReal 9 3 6
#1 Mylittlejob 11 4 7
Digimondo 9 3 6
Interone 3 8 2 6
Hafenkante 9 3 6
Immowelt Team 2 9 3 6
33. Avengers 9 2 7
arrow_drop_down Smaato Khaki 9 2 7
FC Tudocknichso 8 2 6
arrow_drop_down edictKing of Luck 9 2 7
Freesky 8 2 6
Silpion 7 9 3 6
c.a.r.u.s. HMS 9 2 7
Honeywell 9 2 7
arrow_drop_down SAP Hamburg 3 10 3 7
Milchbubi 3.0 10 3 7
Hamburg Kontor 8 2 6
vielKiel 9 2 7
b. hartrodt 8 2 6
Coyo 8 2 6
Die Kick Ass 9 3 6
Wasserfall 2 8 2 6
49. Heroic Women 9 2 7
Silpion 8 8 1 7
feelKiel 8 2 6
Team Cool 8 2 6
Bauer Systems 2 7 1 6
WPS 3 8 2 6
ecolaw.de GmbH 9 2 7
arrow_drop_down FKS-2 8 2 6
Our Newstart 8 1 7
Silpion 9 9 2 7
GlashochRangers 8 2 6
CF NAVES 09 7 1 6
AS Tralkörper 8 2 6
Stolle 8 1 7
Live fast, DI young 8 2 6
64. LichtBlick Strom 8 1 7
Riello UPS 7 1 6
Silpion 12 8 1 7
PGH 8 1 7
Code:1665/2004 7 1 6
RingReste 7 0 7
car4go 7 0 7
Kick the Ball 7 1 6
Dynamite IT 7 0 7
FC Klappstuhl 7 0 7
akquinet 7 0 7
Enable 7 0 7
CoreMedia 5 7 0 7
20' DrySteel Portrix 7 0 7
Baqend 8 1 7
Djäggie 7 0 7
Silpion 11 7 0 7
Trioptics Two 7 0 7
arrow_drop_down Berenberg 1 7 1 6
GOLDBECK Nord MX 7 0 7
COSMO HH 7 0 7
HQ 7 2 5
WEISCHER.Media2 7 0 7
B-Ware 7 0 7
Nur dank euch.